Sempai H.T. Instructor for Warwick Vets High School Shotokan Karate Club. Sempai H.T. is
the English Teacher at Vets.!
Jr. Sempai Joseph Taylor getting ready to receive his Kare-Shodan on Sept. 15th
Members of the Yodansha for R.I.Shotokan Karate-do
Aug. 19th the Brotherhood of Martial Artist Gathering hosted by Shihan Doug Veronesi. 3 Photos
from that Semians Black Belt in attendense from all over MA. & RI
Renshi Jermay Devlin, Hanshi Larry S.L. Martin, Kyoshi Mike Trott.
2003 R.I.Shotokan Karate-do Shojukempo 1st Annuel Picnic in Goddard State Park in Warwick,
WJKA members at the R.I.Shotokan Karate-do Hombu Dojo
Renshi Jeramy E. Devlin - Martin with his Father Prof. Larry S.L. Martin performing Iaido
set at the Shojukempo International & International Ryukyukai Hall of Fame March 18th 2006
Members from Seishinkai Karate Union in Belgum. this picture was send to Prof. Martin and
he inturned sent it to Renshi Devlin.
Sensei Tom Duquette Asst. Instructor at R.I.Shotokan Shojukempo Hombu Dojo.
Mrs. Ali Duquette staff member & Asst Instructor at R.I.Shojukempo.
Semapi Paul Connelly Asst. Instructor R.I.Shotokan Shojukempo Hombu Dojo.
Sweden 40 year Anniversary